Retro 51  Owl Rescue Rickshaw Bagworks Pen Sleeve | RS-2376

Retro 51 Owl Rescue Rickshaw Bagworks Pen Sleeve | RS-2376

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Introducing the Retro 51 Rickshaw Bagworks Owl Rescue Pen Sleeve: a stylish fortress for your cherished pens. Crafted with the precision of an owl's flight, it fends off pocket perils with rugged charm. Its playful exterior, featuring adorable owl motifs, is matched by a soft interior that coddles your pens like royalty.

Attach it to your notebook or slip it into your bag – this sleeve is your trusty pen companion. Practicality meets style in this clever design, making it a must-have for writers and doodlers alike.

Embrace the retro charm and avian allure while giving your pens the wise protection they deserve. The Retro 51 Rickshaw Bagworks Owl Rescue Pen Sleeve: where function meets feathered fashion!