Omas created the 360, sixteen years ago as a take on the triangular design first created by Triad in the 1930's. The Triad company only lasted several years due to its delicate plastic. Omas used the Greek key design to improve the cap lip and barrel. Omas released the Omas 360 in successful variations of the triangular shaped writing instruments.
Omas re-introduces the historical 360 in an all new Omas 360 Vintage collection. Joining the Omas 360 Vintage collection is the new Omas Vintage 360 Turquoise Limited Edition Fountain Pen. This magnificent creation features a turquoise resin that is to say the least captivating. The triangular design provides for the perfect grip and ideal nib angle.
The contrast of the cotton turquoise resin and the HT silver trim is absolutely stunning. The transparency of the resin in this demonstrator adds to the overall intrigue of the Omas 360 Vintage Turquoise.
The pen has never been used or inked and has been hidden away in our vault until now! It is our pleasure to offer the opportunity to obtain this beautiful pen and add it to your collection for a great price. Only 96 Rollerballs ever made.
Our pictures are from a previous sold pen and are meant to be used as a visual aid only. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!