One of Visconti's greatest areas of expertise is the filigree cut-out technique (called skeleton) that it first launched with the Uffizi LE back in 1993. The cut-out technique has been developed over the years since then. Pens like the Ripple were masterpieces for all collectors of fine writing instruments. Taking Inspiration from the myth and the ancient Greek mythology Visconti already created its first masterpiece in 2012 dedicated to the legend of Aracnis. Following this path comes the new creation: Daedalus.
Daedalus created the Labyrinth on Crete, in which the Minotaur (part man, part bull) was kept. In the story of the labyrinth as told by the Hellenes, the Athenian hero Theseus is challenged to kill the Minotaur, finding his way with the help of Ariadne's thread. In Homer's language, daidala refers to finely crafted objects. And this is the origin of this unique Visconti creation.
The cut-out over-let filigree is finely chiseled by hand and it represents the scheme of the labyrinth as well as the head of the Minotaur. All the details are highlighted by nice spots of glossy enamel. The filigree wraps a very nice translucent shining sky blue resin. The resin has been developed from the Visconti experts and it has inclusions of real sterling silver dust to give the effect of the stardust sky overseeing the labyrinth landscape. All the metal parts are in solid sterling silver . The Visconti logo is enriched by a royal blue spot of enamel on top of the cap matching with the Visconti logo on the clip. Cap is easy to screw and unscrew as it is provided of four principles.
Creating a new pattern is a job that can take to designers even months of work. Discover, Interpretation and to represent those immortal subjects is always an honor and it takes a very long work of preparation. Beside the cultural research that is always at the basis of every Visconti creation, the production side is often very complicated. Visconti's artisans can produce only one pen every few days, being all the pieces chiseled and finished by hand. The pen is a diameter 18 and has the famous double reservoir power filler.